Peter Christy
Note: This blog post series is dedicated to our “Unsung Heroes/Heroines” our non-Muslim Pakistani brothers/sisters, for their valuable contributions to their homeland. We want to pay tribute to all (one by one) our Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Parsi, Baha’i, Buddhist and all other fellow Pakistani brothers/sisters following any faith other than the faith of the majority.
Name: Peter Christy (Squadran Leader, Pakistan Air Force)
Time period: 1937 – 1971
Life overview:
Peter (1937 – 1971) studied in St. Patrick’s High School. He joined Pakistan Air Force Academy in 1955. He graduated from the basic flying training program in 1958. Also in 1958 he joined The Commander and Combat Flight School. He graduated with specialization in air weapons system. He began his career as a Flying commissioned officer. He served as a Canberra navigator pilot. He was always prepared to take on any mission at any hour of the day or night. He was conferred with Tamgha-e-Jurrat, Sitara-e-Hurab and Khidmat-e-Pakistan.
Peter was a daring navigator of the 7th bomber Squadron. He was on deputation abroad with the Pakistan Airlines when he heard of the war that broke out again in December 1971. He voluntarily returned to the Pakistan Air Force to carry out war duties and was selected for bomber aerial operations. Before he reported he dropped his family at his brother’s residence. When his brother drove him back to PAF Base Masroor, he said to Peter, “Be careful. You have a family. Your kids are very small.” (At that time he had two daughters 6 and 4 years old and a son who was 1 year and ten months). Peter replied to his brother, “When I think of not just my family, but all the families in Pakistan my blood just boils. I would like to go again and again to bomb the enemy.”
Peter was known for his wit and sense of humor. He kept the morale of his squadron high. Being a minority he asked them if they would write “Shaheed” after his name when he gave his life for Pakistan. He used the word “when” not “if.” From the onset he made up his mind to die for Pakistan. Squadron Leader Christy was a navigator in the PAF. He was detailed to go on a mission to Jamnagar on December 6, 1971 and was unable to return.
- Trained from The Commander and Combat Flight School
- Graduated with specialization in air weapons system
- Served as a Canberra navigator pilot
- Tamgha-e-Jurrat
- Sitara-e-Hurab
- Khidmat-e-Pakistan
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Babar Saeed
June 21, 2020

The writer is a professional marketer and engineer with good work exposure to governments, and businesses and industries in the private sector in several countries. Idea is to take the first step in adding value to anything that one gets exposed to instead of just complaining about the same.