Political Reforms – Badly needed, and NOW!
Following draft of the reforms to our political system can be used by constitutional and legal experts and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) of Election Commission of Pakistan as a starting point.
No common person is happy on the current political circus happening in Pakistan. However, the unfortunate reality is that our constitution has gaps that allow all this comedy and unless the gaps are addressed, we should be prepared to watch another season of this mockery.
Our political system is in dire need of some serious reforms, and the action is needed now. This issue should be brought up by every worried Pakistani, by every news channel, by every talk show anchor, by every political analyst, by every political influencer at each digital, electronic, and social media platform, day in and day out to every political party, every political worker, every political candidate unless it happens.
Following draft of the reforms to our political system can be used by constitutional and legal experts and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) of Election Commission of Pakistan as a starting point.
To register a political party:
- It should be defined as a National Only, Provincial only or as National & Provincial political party
- Should get officially registered with Election Commission of Pakistan
- Should pay necessary registration fees as applicable for National, Provincial or National & Provincial parties
- Should have at least 100 registered members
- An office bearer or a registered member of a political party can be a member of only one political party at one time
- An office bearer or registered member can join another political party only after resigning from current offices and/or membership in writing from existing party
- Each office bearer and registered member of a political party need to be a registered tax filer for at least past 3 years
National (only) Political Party:
- The name of the political party should include the word “National” or “Pakistan”
- Should have at least 200 registered members
- Should have representation nationally (at least 20 members from each province)
- Should show at least 25 office bearers, at least 2 each from each province
- Can contest only NA election
- Should be able to field candidates for at least 25% of the total NA seats, of which at least 2 candidates to be fielded from each province. If failed in meeting either of these conditions:
- cannot participate in the national assembly elections
- registration of the political party will get cancelled
- Political Party will cease to exist
- members can join other national political parties individually
- Should be able to secure at least 25% of total votes casted in NA elections, of which it should secure at least 25% votes from the total votes casted in a province in at least two of the provinces. If failed:
- Registration of the political party will get cancelled
- Political Party will cease to exist
- Security deposit will be confiscated
- Winning candidates to resign from their seats and can join a bigger national political party as individual member
- Re-election to be held on vacant seats
- Office bearers cannot start a new political party for next 5 years
Provincial (only) Political Party:
- The name of the political party should include the word “Provincial” or “Name of the Province, as applicable”
- Should have at least 100 registered members
- Should have a representation provincially (at least 10 members from each division)
- Should show at least 25 office bearers, at least 2 each from each division
- Can contest only PA election
- Should be able to field candidates for at least 25% of the total PA seats, of which at least 2 candidates to be fielded from each division. If failed in meeting either of these conditions:
- cannot participate in the provincial assembly elections
- registration of the political party will get cancelled
- Political Party will cease to exist
- Members can join other provincial political parties individually
- Should be able to secure at least 25% of total votes casted in PA elections, if failed:
- Registration of the political party will get cancelled
- Political Party will cease to exist
- Security deposit will be confiscated
- Winning candidates to resign from their seats and can join a bigger national political party as individual member
- Re-election to be held on vacant seats
- Office bearers cannot start a new political party for next 5 years
National & Provincial both:
Should meet the requirements of both national and provincial political parties collectively, meaning:
At a national level:
- Should have a representation nationally (at least 100 members from each province)
- Should show at least 25 national office bearers, at least 2 each from each province
- Should be able to field candidates for at least 25% of the total NA seats, of which at least 2 candidates to be fielded from each province. If failed in meeting either of these conditions:
- Cannot participate in the National Assembly elections
- Registration of the political party, as a National Political party will get cancelled
- Political Party will cease to exist as a National Political Party
- Members can join other political parties individually
- Should be able to secure at least 25% of total votes casted in NA elections, of which it should secure at least 25% votes from the total votes casted in a province in at least two of the provinces. If failed:
- Registration of the political party as a National Political Party will get cancelled
- Political Party will cease to exist as a National Political Party
- Security deposit will be confiscated
- Winning candidates to resign from their seats and can join another political party as individual member
- Re-election to be held on vacant seats
- Office bearers cannot start a new political party for next 5 years
At a Provincial level
- Should have a good representation from provinces (at least 100 members from at least two provinces and at least 10 members from all other provinces each)
- Should have a good representation within each province (at least 10 members from each division of at least two provinces)
- Should show at least 25 provincial office bearers for each province, at least 2 each from each division of at least two provinces
- Should be able to field candidates for at least 25% of the total PA seats each in at least two provinces, and at least 2 candidates to be fielded from each province. If failed in meeting either of these conditions:
- Cannot participate in the respective Provincial Assembly elections
- Registration of the political party, as a Provincial Political party will get cancelled for the province where condition was not met
- Political Party will cease to exist as a Provincial Political Party for respective province where conditions were not met
- Members can join other political parties individually
- Should be able to secure at least 25% of total votes casted in each PA elections in at least two provinces. If failed:
- Registration of the political party as a Provincial Political Party, for respective province, will get cancelled
- Political Party will cease to exist as a Provincial Political Party for respective province
- Security deposit will be confiscated
- Winning candidates to resign from their seats and can join another political party as individual member
- Re-election to be held on vacant seats
- Office bearers cannot start a new political party for next 5 years
Candidates/Members of National or Provincial Assembly:
- No independent individual can participate in national or provincial elections
- Only registered members of a registered political parties can become candidates for a national or provincial assembly seat
- Each candidate can contest from one national or provincial constituency only
- Should submit proof of “active” residence in his/her constituency at least for past 5 years before becoming candidate
- Should submit at least 3 affidavits from respectable adults (no past criminal cases or police history) living in the same constituency supporting his/her claims of “active” residency within the same constituency
- Cannot be a citizen or resident of another country other than Pakistan
- Should be a registered tax filer in Pakistan
- Cannot vote against the party that may threaten the fall of national or provincial government
- Instead of voting against the party that may threaten the fall of national or provincial government the member has an option of resigning from the NA or PA seat and seek reelection from a different platform
- Can switch a party only after resigning from current seat in national or provincial assembly and basic membership
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Babar Saeed
March 30, 2022

The writer is a professional marketer and engineer with good work exposure to governments, and businesses and industries in the private sector in several countries. Idea is to take the first step in adding value to anything that one gets exposed to instead of just complaining about the same.