Humble request to Imran Khan
Pakistan is in a mess but Imran Khan can get the country out of this mess, only if he takes a roundabout route.
We are all Pakistanis. Whether we live in or outside Pakistan we all are concerned on the current economic, social, political and security situation there. If one happens to be a political worker, specifically of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), living and working is Pakistan currently is not only tough but unsafe. And above all, one is not even allowed to complain. Speaking out can be lethal. Our country is on a downward slippery slope with no hope of even stabilizing, forgetting progress or growth. The establishment has a strong hold over the country; corrupt politicians are licking their boots and even the judiciary is not far behind. Anyone who has some ways or means, legal or illegal, of getting out of Pakistan is doing so.
Does it mean that things cannot be corrected? Situation in Pakistan may look bleak, but things can be improved, and the country can be put on a right path. We have seen tons of examples in this world, even in our lifetime. Just that some need to think, come out of their strong positions, and use some creativity in finding a twisted and complex path, instead of a straight one, that still puts the country on its desired track.
Let’s first acknowledge some ground realities. I think no one should have any doubts that:
- Imran Khan (IK)’s PTI is currently the most popular party among the masses.
- IK is the most popular leader in Pakistan.
- If free and fair elections are held in Pakistan, PTI is sure to win over 60% of all seats.
- PML, PPP and other parties would be lucky if they collectively win 30% of the seats.
- Establishment will not hold elections if IK’s above position stays
- Elections will be held only after the establishment ensures that PTI cannot come to power.
- IK will remain in jail, if not killed, till the establishment is positive that PTI cannot win.
- All political parties know that unless the establishment’s powers are curbed Pakistan cannot prosper.
- Each political party gladly bows to the establishment for getting into power.
- If they are sure of winning the elections, no political party will bow to the establishment.
- India has prospered very well despite all the corruption.
- Corruption is bad but a country’s political stability and economic growth is more important.
Being the most popular leader in Pakistan’s history and being the head of Pakistan’s most popular political party IK has a lot of responsibility to take the right steps. One must realize that sometimes, due to roadblocks, the right steps are not necessarily continue following a straight path. If the end objectives are not lost there is no harm in considering alternate routes, showing some flexibility, going in a roundabout manner and/or re-prioritizing more important objectives over some less important ones. Sometimes it helps to lose some battles to win the war. This is politics.
Considering all the above and in the current situation we humbly suggest IK.
- Theoretically he may be right, but he should not ignore the power dynamics in Pakistan.
- Without coming to power IK or PTI cannot do any good for Pakistan
- The only way to come to power is through free and fair elections.
- For the elections to be held, and to be free and fair, IK needs to compromise a little bit.
- IK should tone his stance down, temporarily at least.
- He should reach out to PML, PPP and other key political parties and negotiate with them.
- He should work out a power sharing plan with them. Offer a piece of the pie.
- He should work out a seat sharing formula with them, to their favor.
- He should offer them concessions on their corruption cases, even for the genuine ones.
- He should offer them all the above to make them agree on only three points.
- Not seeking establishment’s support for getting into power
- Holding free and fair elections.
- Conducting reforms on the powers of the establishment.
Would it be easy? Absolutely not!
It would be very tough for Imran Khan to apparently shake hands with “chors and daakoos”, in his words, those he used to make fun of in his speeches and to come down from his idealistic high moral grounds against corruption while still keep his huge voter base. But don’t we already know him as an individual to face the toughest of challenges upfront and to make impossible things possible? Who may have thought of the cricket world cup, of free cancer hospitals, of PTI from grass root level, of over 20 years of struggle of PTI, of actually coming to power, of Covid Pandemic handling, of Ehsas program, of almost 6% growth rate of economy, of building this huge mass of die-hard workers and voters and of becoming the toughest bone in establishment’s throat?
If anyone can do it, it’s him, and he should.
It’s his duty. He owes this to the people of his country who have made him the greatest leader of Pakistan, after Quaid-e-Azam, to get them out of this mess.
All political parties realize that they need the establishment’s blessing to come to power, however, they also know that the blessing does not come for free. Once in power their government will always be helpless. It is the establishment that rules, just their shoulder gets used. Any time there is even an inkling of hesitancy in shoulder offering gets noticed, the government gets toppled. Temporarily they may get under the wings of the establishment to get to power, deep down, I am sure, wishful thinking is to address this constant and regular threat to the country’s political process. So, I am almost positive that if a sincere and genuine effort is made, political parties can agree on the above three agenda items. And don’t forget, they are also getting their due, or maybe slightly more, share of the pie. It is exactly like the Charter of democracy. We have seen it work. Two arch-rivals agreed on something and we saw consecutive governments without any practical disruptions by the oppositions.
Once free and fair elections are held and a political government is in place, the first priority of the whole house, all parties included, should be to hold reforms to set things right for the role establishment, limiting the same to defending the border against an external threat. Nothing else. Processing of all current or past corruption cases to be delayed for some 10 years. However, strict actions are to be taken for any NEW corruption cases.
From that point onward people of Pakistan can decide what they want, how they want and who they want in the government. Let the political democratic process decide the fate of the country which, in most democracies we have seen, to be a path of growth, peace, and prosperity.
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Babar Saeed
January 22, 2024

The writer is a professional marketer and engineer with good work exposure to governments, and businesses and industries in the private sector in several countries. Idea is to take the first step in adding value to anything that one gets exposed to instead of just complaining about the same.