BRT in Pakistan – Comparison
The blogger could not find one comprehensive source of information on various BRT projects. Data is collected from various news stories in bits and pieces and have been organized for your review.
Lets contribute, not only criticize
in building a better Pakistan
The blogger could not find one comprehensive source of information on various BRT projects. Data is collected from various news stories in bits and pieces and have been organized for your review.
Note: This blog post series is dedicated to our “Unsung Heroes/Heroines” our non-Muslim Pakistani brothers/sisters, for their valuable contributions to their homeland. We want to pay tribute to all (one by one) our Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Parsi, Baha’i, Buddhist and all other fellow Pakistani brothers/sisters following any faith other than the faith of the majority. Name: Peter Christy …
Poverty Alleviation – The case of recent suicide by an unemployed peasant at Ibrahim Hyderi village in Karachi, and this is just one example.
Details: January 08, 2020 Disclaimer: does not intend to steal contents. News heading is used in good faith with good intention and for details link to the original news has been provided. However, if the original owner of the news source has any objection to the above they can approach us and …
Karachi, the largest and most ethnic city in Pakistan. Be it pathans, pashtuns, balochis, punjabis, bengalis, sareikis, sindhis or mahajirs, people from all over Pakistan come, work and then settle here. Everyone finds work, every one gets food, everyone gets shelter and everyone claims this to be their city.
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