Offer incentives – but don’t forget your other objectives
Optics may not be ideal, but objectives are all sincere and good. Further, it may be getting the best out of your buck and a win-win situation in this difficult time.
Lets contribute, not only criticize
in building a better Pakistan
Optics may not be ideal, but objectives are all sincere and good. Further, it may be getting the best out of your buck and a win-win situation in this difficult time.
Their equipment, I would not call it a ventilator, would not offer all the great features of a modern ventilator, but it would do one extremely important work. It would save lives. And that’s what the need of the day is. Period.
Corona Virus – how to protect? simple and easy
I am fifty eight years old and have rarely offered juma prayers without congregation but today I felt an unusual agony and helplessness to carry out this compulsory practice in home rather than in jamia masjid due to prevalent corona virus as per the instructions or fatwa issued by the government. The state of misery …
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